Sunday, December 6, 2009

Toddler Ballet?

I enrolled my daughter in a ballet class for the first time. The class is for ages 2-3. She is just two months shy of becoming 2 years old. Anyhow, they stretched the rules to get her in. The thing is that I worry if she will do ok in there without me? Is this too young to enroll her? I just couldn't pass up the chance when I heard about it, she will be so cute in her tutu and ballet shoes! Any tips on some things I should be prepared for when she begins lessons? How many costumes should I buy and what kind of ballet shoes are best and safest? I saw some at wal-mart that are quite inexpensive but wonder if they are as good as the leather soled ones. Any ideas thanks!

Toddler Ballet?phantom of the opera

as per the costumes wait to buy them till a performance when the class buys their costumes together

but if you mean leotards and skirts or tutus then i say 3 or 4

shoes: dont buy the ones at walmart unless you cant afford better shoes

try they are the leading makers of dance wear

her being ok without you shouldnt be an issue as most studios allow the parents to stay

if not then it depends on how clingy she is and how often she has been with other children and away from you before now the more she's been away the easier it will be

Toddler Ballet?listen to opera opera theater

You sound more excited about the costumes than her learning a beautiful way of dancing. If that's all you're excited about just dress her up at home instead of spending the money on classes. Not that it's a good idea for you to let your daughter socialize with other children, that I think is awesome. And do they do performances in front of an audience? i'd think that they're a little young for that.

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