Sunday, December 6, 2009

Confused about ballet?

Ok, so I heard that ballet takes a lot of work and dedication. I'm sure it does, but can you guys tell me why is it so hard. I know ballet isn't all about girls running around in tutus and tiaras (thats what a lot of people think) I was thinking of starting ballet and I'm 13, so this would be greatly appriciated! Thanks:)

Confused about ballet?playhouse

i am a ballet dancer and i think that why it is so hard is because to make whatever your doing look good, every part of your body has to be in a good position, otherwise it juts looks weird. but i loveeeeeeee ballet. its hard sometimes, and u have just stretch a lot, but you will love it! i promissee ! good luck, too! : ]

Confused about ballet?plays opera theater

Um, I'm a male ballet dancer and I think that ballet can be very hard. But it is definitely worth it. It's hard to keep all of the corrections in mind while you're dancing and you do have to be dedicated to it, or else you're just flopping around. I do it because I love performing and I've been doing it since I turned 7. It kind of came naturally and it just depends on the person. I say, if you're a fan of ballet, go for it. You really won't know until you try. (ps. it can be stressful if you can't do a certain move right, just prepare for that. :) )


i've done it for a year now and i love it

it's really good exercise too...

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