Sunday, December 6, 2009

Is it alright to start Ballet at the age of 13?

I ahve done Jazz Ballet for the past 3 years but gave it up because of the time it takes to get into my home town and back again. I would now like to try ballet! I have friends that have told me i should but am still not confident in myself. I know that the answers to this will be stuff like "Give it a go" or "I lost my dream etc. because i didn't start when i wanted to do Ballet"

I would like answers tht tell the truth. Do you think i (13) can start ballet plus going straight into point. Luckily though the class i would be going into is a class that only started Point this year.. i would only be down one year for point. But Ballet, people in thsi class probally have done alot.

So please answer my question. I really need your help!

Is it alright to start Ballet at the age of 13?comedy show

Yes, you can. Many of the prima ballerinas have been dancing since they were four or even earlier. But, if you are putting a lot of time and practice into this, you can certainly make it. You are not too old, and it is not too late.

You'll have to take 2-3 years class before you can go to pointe. That is an advanced level, you have shanks in your pointe shoes that make it appear you are on your toes, which you are, let me warn you, it is PAINFUL. But OH it is so worth it.

I say, get into a class NOW! Once you are on pointe, you must take 3-4 classes a week, so as you can see it is going to be time consuming as well as expensive. I know you can do it!

Get on the dance floor and have fun!

Is it alright to start Ballet at the age of 13?greek theater opera theater

Of course!
You have dance experience, so go for it. Starting anything that is good for your health and soul is okay at any age.
Yes you can,it's not too late.and of course if you are not over weight becouse for ballet you must be not too much havey for the practises.You will practise harder than the other in the class and finally your dream will come true.Good luck!!!
When I started ballet, I was already ten.... believe me thirteen isn't much older than ten in this matter. It took me three months (3-4X/week) of training to take my first test... and I passed it easily .(the paper we received was signed by M. Fonteyne- a very famous ballerina from England) My best friend did ballet since she was 4 years old... but our ballet teacher allowed me to start point first... in fact she gave me my first pair of point shoes (is this what it's called in English? In Germany it's called Spitzenschuhe) I didn't do anything at all before that... at least you did Jazz Ballet. Definitely try it!!!
You are only 13!! It would be fine to start anything at your age -- it is not like you are 30! Life is there for the taking....go get it! And if you find ballet is not for you......look for something else. Colorguard, flag line, drill team....etc.
You really need to learn a lot of technique before going on pointe; I would suggest some private lessons to get you up to speed so as to avoid possible injuries; it's not that you can't, I'm concerned about tearing muscles and ligaments.............ouch!! good luck
no no no no
it will be very har an it takes alot of time to get use to the whole idea of ballet but i think that it is great that u want 2 start and i think that u should stick with it! have fun and dont give up!
Just go for it. You want his bad enough then its not too late. Go, dance and have fun.
it will be harder but if you have a good instructor that works with you than by all means go for it! one of my student teachers didnt start ballet until she was 15 and didnt get pointe shoes until she was 18. now she is 22 and she is amazing. i would never have known she didnt start until she was 15 unless she told me. since she is so good i would have guessed she had been doing it her whole life! i actually thought that until today when she told me! so you can deffinatly catch up for your age if you have a good teacher!! good luck and dont worry about it! its all about confidance and having a love for dance
i think u should give ballet a try it might be hard at the beginning but since u have been taking jazz it should be fine =D
Since you have dance experience, especially Jazz, than I think it's OK if you do Ballet now. I took a ballet class this year and I'm 26! Of course I didn't do a lot of stuff and it was really hard but I enjoyed it. Do you want to do ballet as a profession or just for fun? If you want to be professional than you'll need to work really hard. It's still not too late. But are you sure that you'll do pointe right away? Your ankles and feet have to be very strong for that. Your teacher would have to evaluate your technique and strength and then decide if you do point. You need to talk to her/him. But don't give up. It's not going to be easy but it will be fun and worth it. You might always ask yourself what it would have been like if you did ballet. So, try it and if it's not working then keep doing Jazz. Whatever it is, just keep dancing. It's great!
i think its the correct age 2 do soooooo.

wat say???
Go into ballet because you want to. Try it out and see if it's something you want to pursue but remember it is extremely competitive and takes up a huge amount of time if you are thinking you want to do it professionally.
Dancing is a gift. If you got it, you got it, you cant get EVERYTHING from classes, although you can critique yourself. If you already did jazz then you'll be fine, try your best and be happy. After all YOU want to do ballet right? Dont hold back, youre young dancer, you wont have that when youre older... flaunt it while you got it.
Well you are the right age for being on pointe!!!!!!!! But you have strong legs and really try maybe in 2 years you might be able to go on pointe with confidience!!!!!!!!!!!!
you sound just like i did! i always did a lot of other dance, but never ballet. once i was able to be on a compant team they told me i HAD to take ballet, and i was 13 for my first year. after 1 year they did put me on pointe, but i had to work really hard. so if you work hard and try to do everything to your best abilitly then i have no doubt that you could do it! just really pay close attention, even to the tiny details and don't be afraid! volunteer to go first across the floor or to demenstate something. so i would say if you think you can commit to it than i would go ahead and sign up/ good luck :)
well, i was in the same situation. Im 14 and just started ballet. I mean just started, today I had my 4th class. Your past dancing expirience should help you somewhat. It would take at least 2-3 years before you get on pointe, because its hard work. You will regret not doing it, so start now and the sooner you will be on pointe. If you think you will humiliate yourself dont worry, im the oldest in my class w/ the least amount of expirience, but some of the girls are my age tho. Its a Beginning/Intermediate class but ive caught up rather quickly, and I plan on working harder to prove myself to the other dancers. If you make a mistake, just forget about it, the other dancers will forget in time. Be confident! Walk in with your head up (ik sounds cheesy) and try to follow wat the other girls do, even if your a bit behind and dont remeber anything that you did in class when you get home. The teacher will help you and dont be afraid to ask questions either! I would rather ask a question and stop the class to have the teacher re-do the step than hurting myself. So just do it and stop thinking about it, you wont regret it.
Don't give it up. Can you imagine growing old and seeing your grand daughter spin around in a little pink tutu saying "grandma, grandma! look at me!" and then thinking back to now, and regretting deeply for not joining yourself? I may only be fourteen myself, but after I quit at age ten, Ive finally decided to rejoin! I'm starting out in a beginners class to get used to it a little again. My class has five other girls in it and none of them have EVER done ballet. We have classes once a week and its been four weeks. They are getting the hang of it really quickly so I'm sure you can too. It's obvious they've been practicing at home and I really suggest that. So "give it a go" and I PROMISE you, with a lot of dedication, some practice, and the love for it, you'll be amazing.
You know what, you are in the perfect age to start!!

Usually 4 years old kids are better in ballet simply because they have the time to practice their flexibility, but flexibility can certainly be improved if you constantly (and gently!) stretch everytime you're warmed up (only after you're warmed up).

I don't agree with kids below 10 years to learn pointe. They don't have a fully developed backbone and when forced, it will weaken and their backbone will fail to provide full body support for the rest of their dancing career.

I have to let you know one thing though. If you observe small kids, when they see someone flipping or acrobating, straight away they'll give a try. They're not scared of anything, they never think of the risk of injury and shame and embarassment.

Of course I'm not saying you should do things in stupid ways, just do anything wild til you break all your bones. No. What I'm saying, is that adults tend to develop this "fear factor" that really limits them from growing. Proof evidence: I've been teaching classes where the kids stand in front and the adults all run to the corner at the back.

Kids have difficulty in both memory and concentration. That's just the way their brain develops. If you truly put your effort into it, and not let shame and fear get the best of you, you'll easily catch up. In 1 year you can catch up what the kids been learning for 5 years.

And don't forget, what I mean with focus and fight hard, I mean classes and practices EVERYDAY and AS MUCH AS YOU CAN. What you're rewarded for depends on how much you sacrifice.

Wish you the best of luck with your dancing career.

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