Sunday, December 6, 2009

New Ballet student needs help?

I'm 15 and just starting to take ballet. I've done some dancing before with the Youth Singers of Calgary but it's nothing really technique based, more musical theater type dance.

Does anyone have any tips for getting the most out of ballet class? What can I do to be a good, solid ballet dancer?

New Ballet student needs help?hollywood theater

when you are learning the steps, try to start with basic things, like turn out and the combinations, then master the harder things like arm and head movements. ask questions if you need to if you don't understand things. follow what you think is right but also watching the other girls will help you improve. try to stay with the music and get steps in your body memory by practicing. don't ever be intimidated or think you are not good enough. have fun!!! and never give up- even though things may be challenging. good luck!!!

p.s. i have been dancing for 8 years (jazz, hiphop, ballet, and pointe) and have seen older students start and take off into being great dancers

New Ballet student needs help? opera theater

Always watch the teacher and listen carefully because you need to know exactly what they are talking about-ballet is very exact. Practice as much as you can and know what you need to work on the most. Maybe ask your teacher after class for extra pointers.
Firstly, enjoy it. Try and do the best you can in class so you can improve your flexibility and technique. But if you want to be a good ballet dancer, always have good posture and make your movements fluent. thats all i can say.
quickest way, for me, to get good and solid is by taking as many classes as i can per week. and, a lot of ballet movements come from your 'core' which is basically your stomach, so do what you can to strenghten your abs. also, when your teacher gives ANY correction, whether speaking directly to you or not, make believe the correction was directed at you and be sure you do it, or are already doing it.
Hey. I'm 13. I've been dancing since I was 3. I think I can help. There's not one person in the whole world who can't become more flexible. First of all, you are not fat. Everyone sees themselves in a different point of view then everyone else does. The way I look at myself when I look down at my stomach, I see chubbyness, my friends envey me because I have such a skinny stomach and eat so much. If that's not the case, it's probably that you have baby fat. Ballet is really hard work. All the hard work pays off when you are so strong and you see those beautiful pointe shoes in your dance bag. Private lessons cost more. I suggest taking regular classes. It dosn't matter if people can see your stomach. You will work that stomach off just by doing one or two splits a day. To get more flexible, here's what you do:

* Lay on the floor. Lift your right leg 10 times. As high as you can, and as far back as it can go. Hold your ankle there and keep your leg straight or you won't get flexible. Do the same with your left leg.

* Do a bunch of splits.

Here's what you wear to ballet class:

* Leotard

* Tights

* Ballet slippers

Strenghten your feet, body, and legs- Sit on a chair and put marbles on the right side of you on the floor. Pick up the marbles with your toes. Do this until all of the marbles are on the left side. Then bring them back to the right side. Keep your back straight and your toes pointed.

Plie: 1st position- Stand facing the barre in first position. Keep your back straight. Bend your knees so that they are over your toes. Don't take your heels off the ground.

2nd position- Stand in second position. Feel your weight spread evenly over both legs. Bend slowly so your knees are over your toes. Keep your back straight.

Releves: 1st position- Stand in first position with your weight evenly balanced over both feet. Smoothly lift your heels off the ground at the same time. Keep your knees taut and try hard to hold your turnout. Keep your stomach and back muscles strong.

Tendu: Battement tendu devant- Stand in first position. Slide your foot in front of you. Slide it back.

Battement tendu a la seconde- Stand in first position. Slide your foot to the side of you. Keep your back straight and your leg straight. Slide your foot back.

Battement tendu derriere- Stand in first position. Slide your foot in back of you. Slide it back to first position.

Pirouette: 4th position- Stand in fourth position. Your right arm in front of you and your left arm to the side of you. Demi plie, spring up onto demi-pointe with your right leg slightly under your knee.Your head should be the last to turn, and the last to arrive. You should land back in fourth position with your arms in the same position as they were in.

Jumps: Ron de jambe- Stand in first position with your right arm out in front of you and your left arm to the side of you (The same as a pirouette). Pointe your right toe in front of you and run out. Jump up in the air in split position.

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