Sunday, December 6, 2009

Jazz / ballet?

i just started beginning ballet but i think i'm more interested in jazz class rather than ballet. i want to take a beginning jazz class but does anyone know whether u need a lot of ballet experience?

Jazz / ballet?opera sheet music

not at all. ballet and jazz have a lot of similar technique but yet such different technique. im in both and you don't have to have a ballet technique to be in jazz. so stay in both if you want or just take jazz. hope i helped. happy dancing!

Jazz / ballet?shows opera theater

I took both jazz and ballet for 13 years. Jazz incorporates a lot of ballet moves, but it's probably not necessary to take ballet before jazz. Are you a quick learner? It will help if you are. Good luck, and have fun
I don't think that would mater. If they don't say any thing then do what you want!
You will more than likely run into a lot of ballet moves in jazz. Ballet is a great basis for jazz, so I would recommend it, but do whatever floats your boat.
ballet is basic, it helps you in all the other types of dance you do
i'm not sure if that much ballet experience for jazz
I take jazz too, and later on took ballet. I found that i liked jazz better too, but i started ballet seeing as i had to do ballet to be in the advanced group, and i found that ballet actually impacted on the way i danced in jazz and made it better, and ballet also helps with flexibility. So i say you should give ballet a try and still do jazz.

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